Remembering L. Douglas Smoot

L. Douglas Smoot

With great sadness, we share with you the passing on January 13th of our dear cousin, friend, hero and leader, Doug Smoot.  He served as the President of our Abraham Owen Smoot Family Organization for 40 years (1975 – 2015).  Through his undaunting commitment to family members on both sides of the veil, Doug will continue to impact all of our lives through his writings, books, films, reunions and his valiant restoration efforts of the Brigham Young Academy Square.  In this life, he has marched forward with an unquenchable desire to lift others and to preserve and share the legacy, light and vision of those dear Smoot Family Members who have come before us.  We cherish his friendship and celebrate his generosity and loving ways.      

We express our condolences and profound gratitude to Doug’s family.  Over these many decades, their encouragement, countless hours, sacrifices and support have brought about much good and a profound impact on generations to come.  As they have focused on preserving the inspiring legacy of the early members of the A. O. Smoot Family, they have created a legacy of service of their own.   Thank the Lord for Doug’s infectious enthusiasm and determination that has deeply touched many of us.  We are delighted that he is now reunited with both Marian and those early family members whose legacy Doug has worked to preserve and share.   We love you Doug!        

Sharman Smoot
Abraham Owen Smoot Family Organization